How to become a member

HWC is a membership based community group. We have a  annual membership fee of $40 ($20 concession). Volunteers enjoy free membersbhip. We have low prices, but this is not the only reason to join.

Does this sound like you?

  • I would like to shop by filling up my own containers, to cut out plastic.
  • I think buying local not only reduces fuel usage, it supports local growers and therefore creates food security.
  • I like most of the money I spend on food to go to the person who grew it.
  • I think buying in bulk is a good idea to reduce packaging and costs.
  • I want whole foods, free of additives and full of nutrition.

Then you should probably join HWC!

Click here to join online!!


To join you just fill in our online application form here, then forward payment to HWC via EFT or paypal.  

EFT Details

Account Name: Hepburn Wholefoods Collective, Bendigo Bank Branch: Daylesford

BSB: 633-000 Account: 144638640